Mᵉ Kaila Evariste

Mᵉ Kaila Evariste
(514) 394-7496 #2313
Mᵉ Kaila Evariste has been admitted to the Bar in 2024 and obtained her bachelor’s degree in civil law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Montréal. During her studies, she held leadership roles within the student community of the faculty as co-head and member of the Pairs-aidants en droit de l’Université de Montréal (PADUM), where she worked closely with her peers to provide emotional support to students in need. She also holds a certificate in criminology from the University of Montréal.
Besides her law related activities, Kaila is passionate about dancing and has the privilege of sharing her passion with children of all ages within the Haitian community.